

Messages During the Day

All Parents bringing messages, lunches or materials, to school during the day, must leave them at the front office with the school office staff that will ensure that they get to the appropriate class.  This practice ensures that teaching/learning time is not interrupted.


Labelling children's clothing and other possessions will help ensure that anything that is lost is returned. If your clothing item is pre-loved please make sure your own child's name is on the item. Lost  property is located near the office and  is sorted each Term and where possible returned.  Items not claimed are either donated to the school pre-loved uniform shop or donated to charity.

Pupil Absences

To ensure your child's safety, we require the following:


  • Primary students must be signed in by their caregiver at the front office, not dropped off.

  • If you cannot sign your child in personally due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform the school beforehand via the Compass App, phone, or email with the reason for their late arrival. The student must attend the front office and advise the staff of their arrival.


  • Students must be signed out by their caregiver when leaving school grounds. Students cannot leave without a caregiver present.


Following an absence from school you must ensure that within 7 days you provide a verbal or written explanation for the absence. This can be via Compass or by phone, email or in written form. Parents will receive a Compass notification with a link for parents to provide this information in Compass.

Click Here for Absence Exemption Form


Teachers supervise children between the hours of 8.20am to 3.30pm each day from Monday to Friday.

Special arrangements will be made in relation to authorised school activities which require attendance of students at the school outside these hours, such as excursions or sports afternoons which conclude after 3.00pm and for which normal supervision will be provided.

Office staff are available from 8.20am to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.20am to 3.30pm Friday to answer any enquiries. The office is unattended during school holidays.

School Hours

School begins at 8:50am and concludes at 3.00pm

Recess 10:50am to 11.20am.   Lunch 1:25pm to 1:55pm

School Ends  3.00pm


Sun Smart

St. Patrick's School implements Sun Smart principles as outlined by the CEDWW with a "no hat play in the shade" policy for terms 1 and 4.

Children are encouraged to apply sunscreen before coming to school and sunscreen is available for children to apply during the day.

There is seating under most trees with plenty of shade areas for children to play and the Infants Department has shelter over the quadrangle. There is also a large COLA at the front of our Mercy Hall.


Each Year level hosts an assembly in our school hall during the year (i.e all year 3 classes together). The purpose of the assembly is to showcase class work and can involve learning areas: literacy, music, poetry, drama and prayer.

Merit awards are presented to students from each class to acknowledge achievements and encourage students.

Please check the calendar to view Class Assembly dates. 
The end of year assembly is held in December and is the Year 6 award ceremony.

Highlights from assemblies are often published in our Photo Gallery.

All families are welcome to attend these assemblies and join for a cup of tea afterwards organised by our class parents.

Books and Supplies

Students are provided with text books, exercise books, pencils, ruler and glue stick at the beginning of the year. These are included in the book fee

Each class has a list classroom requirements. This is given out at the end of each year ready for the start of classes the following year. These are in to the notes section.

Art/Craft and sporting equipment is provided by the school.