Principal’s Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Happy St Patrick’s Day. Today is a very special day for our school and parish communities as we celebrate our patron, Saint Patrick. Our day commenced with Mass in our Hall, followed by some fun games and activities and then a shared lunch. It was a lot of fun and it was lovely to see so many staff and students dress in green.

On Monday the Year 3-6 students participated in the track events of our Athletics carnival. It was wonderful to see so many children participate in the events and equally wonderful to see the cheering and encouragement. The children are to be commended for the spirit in which they participated. 

Please be reminded that this Friday, 19th March is the Albury Gold Cup. Students do not attend school on this day. In the morning, staff will be engaged in professional learning with a focus on wellbeing and the afternoon is the gazetted half day public holiday.

Tomorrow we will recognise and celebrate Harmony Week.This will be done in our class groups.  Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. We celebrate inclusiveness, respect and  a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional custodians of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world. 

School photos will take place next week. Relevant details have been sent out via our Compass Portal. Please make sure your child is dressed in formal summer uniform for Monday & Tuesday next week. If the photos take longer we will also require them to wear it again on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, 9th March, Matt Kean, the principal from Holy Spirit Lavington spoke to our Year 6 students about his journey with melanoma and the importance of protecting ourselves from the sun. Later in the year, Matt and a couple of mates will complete an 8 day bike ride around the Riverina region, raising awareness and funds around melanoma. All money raised will go to the Amie St Clair Melanoma Trust to continue the work they are doing in the region. Further information can be found at these two locations: and

Later in the year our school is going to have a feature article in an edition of a glossy lifestyle magazine called Regional Lifestyle, which will have a focus on the Albury area. This will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school. On Thursday morning a photographer from this publication will be here at school taking some photos which will be included. 

Changes to COVID guidelines mean we will be able to hold an Open Day and information session for Kinder 2022 and any other prospective enrolments. This will take place on Wednesday 5th May and coincide with our celebration of Catholic Schools Week.The format of the day will be as follows: Open morning: 9am-11am and open afternoon: 4.30pm-6.15pm. Information sessions 11am and 6.15pm.  During these times, prospective families will be able to have a guided tour of the school and an opportunity to gather some information around the education St Patrick’s provides. Please promote this with your families and friends, and encourage them to come and have a look. If you have a student to enrol for Kinder 2022 please download an enrolment for via our website or contact the office for a form to be sent home. 

NAPLAN assessments will take place in May next term for students in Year 3 and Year 5. Given these assessments will take place online, the Year 3 and 5 students will take part in an online practice test on Monday 22nd March. This is purely a practice session to ensure that our IT system can cope with the demand and allow our students to navigate the online format. Key dates can be found here. If you have any questions in regard to NAPLAN please contact your child’s teacher.

Don’t forget we are conducting an Easter raffle. Thank you to all the families who have donated an egg, and if you haven’t donated yet, there is still plenty of time. There will be 14 prizes all of the same value.This will be drawn on Monday 29th March @1.30pm. Tickets can be purchased via the following link.  COMPASS TIX

Term 1 ends on Wednesday 31st March and children return for term 2 on Tuesday, 20th April. Check out dates on our website calendar and also lots of photos on our galleries page.

I hope the sunshine continues and you get to enjoy the half day holiday on Friday. 

Kind regards, Liz