RE News


A massive thank you to all the families who donated blankets to the Vinnies Winter Appeal this year. Your generosity is very much appreciated. 



First Eucharist

First Eucharist will be celebrated on Sunday, 25th October at 11.30am in St Patrick’s Church. The Year 3 children, who are baptized Catholics, will have the opportunity to receive their First Holy Communion. A note will come home soon explaining the COVID restrictions that will impact our sacramental celebration this year. 


The new date/dates are still being explored. The children continue with the Confirmation Program in their RE lessons.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel last Sunday we encountered that famous conversation between Jesus and Peter. Jesus asks his disciples, “who do people say that I am?” 

Matthew 16:13-20

“Jesus said, ‘Who do you say I am?’. Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God’. Jesus replied, ‘Simon, you are a happy man! So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And not even death will be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.’”

Family Prayer

Lord Jesus, 

You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. 

Our Saviour and Redeemer.


Next Sunday, 30th August, is Social Justice Sunday. In the 2020-21 Social Justice Statement, ‘To Live Life to the Full – Mental Health in Australia today’  the Bishops of Australia encourage faith communities, governments and each one of us, to make mental health a priority. 

Social Justice Statement 2020



Prayer for Social Justice

Jesus, you invite us all into the fullness of life.

May we support one another to flourish

in body, mind and spirit.

Strengthen our commitment to ensure

that nobody falls through gaps in our systems of care.

People called you mad.

Help us to recognise you

in those who suffer mental ill-health today.

Show us how to eliminate stigmatisation of mental


from our parishes, schools, communities and


You drew near to those

who were suffering in body or mind.

May we too feel your nearness

when we struggle with mental health challenges.

May we be one as members of Your Body.

You invite us to share in your ministry

of love and true compassion.

May we be empowered by your Spirit

to reach out to all people in need.

May we build communities of welcome and

