RE News

We invite all family members to join us for our School Mass on Friday, 15th December at 9.30am in St. Patrick’s Church where we will thank God for all the blessings we have received throughout the school year.

Thank you for the support you have given this year in attending Masses, prayer services, Sacramental meetings and Eucharistic celebrations, family picnics, dinners with Fr Joel, Reconciliation services, and for the myriad of other ways our families contribute to the Catholic culture of our school. As a community we proudly live and share the Gospel values that Jesus taught us.

As we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas may we find joy and peace in our family gatherings and in our generous giving.

May it be a time when we appreciate our greatest gift – Jesus.

Let us give praise and thanksgiving throughout the Christmas season and the New Year.

Have a very merry Christmas and relaxing and safe holiday!

Special Thank You to everyone who donated to the St. Vincent DePaul Christmas Appeal.

Your generosity has made many families now be able to enjoy Christmas.