RE News

During the holidays we celebrated the greatest feast in our Church and school year – Easter. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the central belief of our Christian faith. The heart of the Easter message is that Jesus is risen and is with us now!

But Easter is not just a day or even a weekend. It’s a whole season that lasts 50 days finishing at Pentecost. It is a season of joy and happiness.  It can be seen as a time of celebration, a time of renewal, a time of peace, a time of promise and a time of new beginnings.

The Easter Season calls us to be seekers, proclaimers and people of hope and life. It reminds us that we are not alone – we have never been alone. Jesus is with us now and forever! The Resurrection calls us to make a difference in our world. As people of the Resurrection we are called to reach out to the suffering and care for creation.

The spirit of the Easter Season is a spirit of joy and peace based on Jesus’ words to us, “Peace be with you – do not be afraid.” Peace and joy comes from being restored to friendship with God through Christ. Let us continue to celebrate Easter in our homes and in our work places.

he has risen