Principal’s Message

Dear Parents,

We had a great evening on Saturday for our Confirmation. The students were all very well prepared and participated very reverently in the Mass. Thank you to Bishop Hanna, Father Joel, Jane Fawcett, Brenda Seckold, Phil Shanahan and the Year 6 parents for their hard work in preparing the students and organising the Mass. It was a great celebration.

This Friday at 9.30am in the Mercy Hall our Year 4 classes are hosting the school assembly. All parents and family members are welcome to join us for this. All guests are invited for a cup of tea and a bite to eat after the assembly.

Next Thursday, we will be having our “End of Term” Mass at 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church.  All parents are welcome to join us for this.

Thank you to Marg Moore for organising the Book Fair over the past couple of weeks. It was great to see the children purchasing books to read. Thank you to the parents who supported this.

There are lots of articles of clothing in our lost property baskets. Could all parents please check that their children have all uniform items.

The last day of term 3 is Friday, 23rd September. Children return to school for term 4 on Monday, 10th October. There will be a 2 week period for children to changeover to their summer uniform. Please check our website for uniform information.

This Friday, some of our Stage 3 students will be involved in the T20 Milo cricket day, weather permitting.  At this stage this event is going ahead, but we will keep you informed of any changes in arrangements.

I will be on leave from this Friday until October 19th. In my absence, Marg Moore and Jane Fawcett will be available for contact if necessary.

Have a great week. Take care and God bless.
