RE News

This week in Let’s Get Together our Year 6 leaders shared some ideas about how we can encourage others to be the best they can be and always do their best. The word says it all – enCOURAGE – we are given courage by a word or a smile that lifts us to do better. Each child completed a simple challenge and they were encouraged by their group to have a go and enjoy trying to do their best.

The children thought of things they can say to others to encourage them to have a go and be confident in their efforts. Phrases like:

  • You can do it!
  • Keep going!
  • Great job!
  • I know you can do it!
  • You are great!
  • Super effort!
  • It couldn’t be better!
  • You’re amazing!

I’m sure you can list all the encouraging sayings that are your favourites at home or they may even be unique to your family. Maybe you can talk about the kind and supportive things that your children say to their friends at school. The children also talked about the importance of encouraging their sisters and brothers and their parents!

The groups worked on how to be confident and how to believe in themselves. Our faith is all about believing in God and believing in ourselves; believing that we can live our lives as Jesus did.

week 6 term 3