RE News

Term 3   Week 3
30th July, 2015

Let’s Get Together

Last week we had the first of our five Let’s Get Together sessions for this term. For the new families to our school, ‘Let’s Get Together’ (LGT) is the means we use at St Patrick’s to spread across our school the ideas, values and attitudes from the “Making Jesus Real” Program. This year we have 36 groups with 12-14 children from Kinder to Year 6 in each group. Two Yr 6 students are the leaders for each group and we meet fortnightly after recess on Monday.

The ‘Making Jesus Real’ Program or MJR is centred on the belief that we are the image of Jesus to all those people around us. We are his representatives and our actions should reflect His values. These values include showing care and compassion, respect, honesty, and trustworthiness, understanding, tolerance and inclusion. These values also encourage students to do their best, treat others fairly and be responsible for their own actions. In MJR language this translates to trying to be a ‘Happy Chappy’ rather than a ‘Nasty Pastie’; to be a WEST person who Welcomes, Encourages others, says Sorry and Thanks as opposed to an EAST person who Excludes, Annoys and argues with others, Sulks and Talks back. These are just the very first ideals and values that the children are exposed to in ‘Let’s Get Together’.

In Session 1 the children spent time getting to know each other and they worked together to formulate some rules that will help and guide all members of the group to be caring and respectful of each other; rules that allow the children to feel happy and safe in their group. They also had fun playing games together.

Through “Let’s Get Together” we aim to have our school community switched on to seeing Jesus in others and actively living out the Gospel Values.

At our Tuesday School Gathering we will be presenting a MJR Award to a child who has displayed these values in the classroom or on the playground. This week Thomas Baird from 4BM was awarded the W.E.S.T. wrist band for his kind and caring ways and the friendly manner in which he greets people.

Jane Fawcett   RE Co-ordinator


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