RE News

Parish/School Mass

Thank you to all the families who shared in the Parish Mass led by our school community on Saturday evening. A special thank you to the children who volunteered to do readings and sing in the choir. Our school community is an important part of the Parish of St Patrick’s. We are very grateful to Fr Joel, Fr Christian and Fr Marco for the work they do in our school.

Spanning through the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion is an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of Caritas Australia’s caring supporters, all in the name of justice and peace. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Project Compassion inspires so many communities to come together to raise much needed funds for the most vulnerable women, children and men in Australian and around the world. Together, we can all help to break the cycle of poverty and injustice.

All students have brought home a Project Compassion money box. We encourage the children to do extra jobs or chores throughout Lent at home and for grandparents and friends to raise money for the great work Caritas does through Project Compassion to help those in need.

Each week the children will learn about the different communities in Australia and around the world that will benefit from our generosity during Lent. In Holy Week, the last week of Term 1, the children will bring their money boxes to school and place the money they have raised on our MONEY LINE. 

First Week of Lent 

Around 2.8 million children in the Philippines do not go to school.* We begin Project Compassion learning about the story of Shirley. Shirley was struggling to support her family and keep her children in school. She faced regular discrimination and disadvantage, limiting her family’s access to food, education, employment and healthcare. With Caritas Australia’s support, Shirley trained to become an indigenous health worker. She has learnt to supplement her income and is able to feed her family. The program has also empowered Shirley to send her children to school. 

Sunday Gospel                              Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He fasted for forty days and forty nights and was very hungry. Then the devil tempted him, promising him riches, power and glory if Jesus would worship him. But Jesus turned Satan away. The angels appeared and looked after him.

Family Prayer

Lord Jesus, You are the perfect example of how we are to live.              

Help us this Lent grow closer to you and your Father.
