RE News

First Reconciliation

The Year 2 children and their parents attended the First Reconciliation meeting in the Church last Wednesday evening. The children talked with Fr Joel about their Baptism, the Parable of the Forgiving Father (The Prodigal Son) and their understanding of God’s great love for them. 

All Year 2 and their families will gather for a picnic with Fr Joel on Thursday, 14th November. A separate note has gone home outlining this event.

We continue to prayer for these children and their families as they prepare to receive the healing sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday, 20th November.

Mission Day

What an amazing day we had on Thursday at our Mission Day! Again, the generosity of our school community has been extraordinary! We raised more than $1650.00!! This money will help Sr Stan care for the children in Ghana who are poor, who have to have jobs as young children, who live with disabilities and those who don’t receive a good education.

All Saints Day

Last Friday we celebrate All Saints Day. The Feast of All Saints is a rich and beautiful tradition within the Church. It honours those who have died, it reminds us that we are part of a wider communion of holy people, and it affirms our faith in God’s loving fidelity to life. 


National Prayer Campaign for Drought

The Catholic Church in 

Australia is dedicating the month of November 2019 as a time to pray for those affected by crippling drought conditions and to pray for the gift of rain.

Parishes, schools, families and other Catholic communities across the country are being encouraged to participate in the National Prayer Campaign for Drought, which also invites people to provide assistance to those most in need. The month of prayer is an additional response to the local work being done in affected communities.

We invite families to pray together for those affected by drought. 

National Prayer for the gift of rain, the people affected by drought, rural communities and for support services

Eternal God,

In wisdom and love you created our earth

to sustain us and give us life.

We turn to you now in faith, hope and love

asking you to look with favour

on our drought-stricken land,

on our starving animals, 

on our failing crops.

Strengthen, sustain and give new heart to our farmers 

and rural communities

and be with those who support them.

In your loving providence,

send abundant rain and restore our parched earth.

Father of all compassion, 

hear our prayer

through Jesus Christ your Son, 

in whom the promise of new life has dawned, 

and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord the giver of life:

Renew your faithful people;

Renew the face of the earth.

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Mary Help of Christians – 

Pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop – 

Pray for us.

A simple prayer for young children:

Thank you God for this land, Australia.

We ask you to make farmers strong

when rivers, streams  and dams dry up, 

and it is so hard to keep their animals and crops alive.

We pray that people in the towns and cities 

will try to understand how hard it is for farmers 

when the whole land is dry and and brown, 

and rain seems very far away.

We ask God, to help us to be patient, 

and to place all our hope in you, 

that you will send down good rain

to water our thirsty land.


If you would like to assist financially please follow this link: